
Het maken van de auto off device domoticz.


Als je in je domoticz omgeving ook bijvoorbeeld een mechanische ventilatie systeem hebt, en deze alleen maar de douche afvoer voor zijn rekening neemt. Wil je die niet een hele dag laten draaien.

Het maken van de auto off device domoticz. 1

Is het volgende script een uitkomst, het script draait elke minuut. en je kan elk apparaat afzonderlijk op verschillende tijdstippen laten stoppen na bijvoorbeeld 5 / 10 /13 / 56 minuten nadat hij gestart is. Elke tijd is mogelijk

Advertentie :

-- Voorbeeld 1: turn off the device after 2 minutes:

"auto_off_minutes": 2

-- Voorbeeld 2: turn off the device when it has been on for 5 minutes and no motion has been detected for 
-- at least 5 minutes:
 "auto_off_minutes": 5,
 "auto_off_motion_device": "Overloop: Motion"
--Voorbeeld 3 de afzuiging 1 uur aan
"auto_off_minutes": 60

De code opslaan als.”dzVents” code

-- This script will run every minute and can automatically send an 'Off' command to turn off any device after
-- it has been on for some specified time. Each device can be individually configured by putting json coded 
-- settings into the device's description field. The settings currently supported are:
-- - "auto_off_minutes" : <time in minutes>
-- - "auto_off_motion_device" : "<name of a motion detection device>"
-- If "auto_off_minutes" is not set, the device will never be turned off by this script. If 
-- "auto_off_minutes" is set and <time in minutes> is a valid number, the device will be turned off when it 
-- is found to be on plus the device's lastUpdate is at least <time in minutes> minutes old. This behavior 
-- can be further modified by specifying a valid device name after "auto_off_motion_device". When a motion 
-- device is specified and the device's lastUpdate is at least <time in minutes> old, the device will not 
-- be turned off until the motion device is off and it's lastUpdate is also <time in minutes> old. 
-- Specifying "auto_off_motion_device" without specifying "auto_off_minutes" does nothing.
-- Example 1: turn off the device after 2 minutes:
-- {
-- "auto_off_minutes": 2
-- }
-- Example 2: turn off the device when it has been on for 5 minutes and no motion has been detected for 
-- at least 5 minutes:
-- {
-- "auto_off_minutes": 5,
-- "auto_off_motion_device": "Overloop: Motion"
-- }
-- zie afzuiging douche

return {
	on = {

		-- timer triggers
		timer = {
			'every 5 minutes' 

	execute = function(domoticz, triggeredItem, info)

	            if device.state ~= 'Off' then
	                --domoticz.log( 'device is on ' .. device.name .. '.', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
    	            local description = device.description
    	            if description ~= nil and description ~= '' then
    	                --domoticz.log( 'description = ' .. description .. '.', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
    	                local ok, settings = pcall( domoticz.utils.fromJSON, description)
    	                if ok then
    	                    if settings ~= nil and settings.auto_off_minutes ~= nil and device.lastUpdate.minutesAgo >= settings.auto_off_minutes then
	                            if settings.auto_off_motion_device == nil then
            		                domoticz.log(device.name .. ' is switched off because it has been on for ' .. settings.auto_off_minutes .. ' minutes.', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
                                    local motion_device = domoticz.devices(settings.auto_off_motion_device)
                                    if motion_device.state == 'Off' and motion_device.lastUpdate.minutesAgo >= settings.auto_off_minutes then
                		                domoticz.log(device.name .. ' is switched off because no one was in the room for ' .. settings.auto_off_minutes .. ' minutes.', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
                            domoticz.log( 'Device description for '.. device.name ..' is not in json format. Ignoring this device.', domoticz.LOG_ERROR)

— This script will run every minute and can automatically send an ‘Off’ command to turn off any device after
— it has been on for some specified time. Each device can be individually configured by putting json coded
— settings into the device’s description field. The settings currently supported are:
— – “auto_off_minutes” :
— – “auto_off_motion_device” : “”
— If “auto_off_minutes” is not set, the device will never be turned off by this script. If
— “auto_off_minutes” is set and is a valid number, the device will be turned off when it
— is found to be on plus the device’s lastUpdate is at least minutes old. This behavior
— can be further modified by specifying a valid device name after “auto_off_motion_device”. When a motion
— device is specified and the device’s lastUpdate is at least old, the device will not
— be turned off until the motion device is off and it’s lastUpdate is also old.
— Specifying “auto_off_motion_device” without specifying “auto_off_minutes” does nothing.

Bron van de code. https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=23717

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